Tuesday, December 7, 2010

PinHole Camera - Art 2031A Class - FALL 2010

I'm still here....school has been crazy busy, but it's soon coming to an end for the first semester, and finally I'm able to put up some more pictures.

The picture to the left is a wooden make-up case that I bought at Value Village for my very first assignment I had in my ART 2031A (2-D Foundation - drawing & image) class I had this semester. 

We were to find an object and make a pinhole camera out of it.  A container of some kind that was 'light' tight, and if it wasn't we had to make it so.  It also had to be something that we could put a very small pin hole in it to take pictures with.  This camera took beautiful miniature pictures - no bigger than your thumbnail.  The detail was wonderful.  Time consuming, but well worth the results.  Enjoy the pictures - AND more to come!


The pictures below were done with the make-up case camera you see above - they are self portraits.

Picture B below was done with another camera I had bought.  It was a tin can in the shape of a strawberry.  Sorry don't have the pic for that.  The Funky Negative, wasn't the pinhole camera, but was me using Photoshop to get a weird altered picture of the original Negative B - another self-portrait.

The picture below was also done with the strawberry camera outside on the University campas.

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