Friday, March 30, 2012

Almost Done!!!

Almost the end of the has been awhile, but busy, busy, busy little student I have been!  Here are a few pics from my Painting I sketchbook.

I signed up for my Summer semester....Archeology 1000, Music:History of Rock & Roll from 1968 to 1990, and an online course - Children's Literature.

After this summer I will be DONE my B.A.....YAAAAHHHHH!!!!  I have applied to the Faculty of Education, and hopefully....fingers crossed.....I will start my practicums this Fall.
Right now I have 2 BIG final projects on the go.  One big painting (4' x 3') and a 3 to 6 minute video for my Video Sketchbook class.  So once I have everything done....I will post.

Take a look......

This is a painting I did on wood panel.

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