Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Semester - Painting I

I am now into my 2nd semester of my 2nd year at University.  For this semester I have the following classes.

Neuroscience: Brain & Behaviour
Media Arts II - Video Sketchbook
Painting I
Art History - Western Prehistory through to the French Revolution

They seem really interesting, and the 2 art classes are my very last that is required for my B.A.  For my Painting class we need to create an art journal/sketchbook...oh, darn...I hate those things....he he he he!!!

Here is the inside cover and introductory pages.  I promise I'll have more to come, and I won't wait until the end of the semester to do it.

Painting I - Spring 2012 - Art Journal/Sketchbook



~ INTRODUCTION PAGE - "Where I Am at Now"

~ CLOSE-UP - "Where I Am at Now" ~

~ CLOSE-UP #2 - "Where I Am at Now" ~